Train Like a Pro

October 07, 2007

ARMS- Every bodybuilder and people into general fitness want to know how can I make my arms grow.  Besides the proverbial question people ask most often.  How much can you bench press?  Next would be- How do I get my arms to grow?  Here I will answer this question without getting to in depth into the scientific applications behind the principles involved.

To achieve maximum Muscular Hypertrophy (growth) in the Biceps and Triceps.  One must train the muscles through multiple angles, rep ranges, rest intervals.  Some factors which are variable, are cheating and how to incorporate this into the program.  First one must use high intensity and laser beam focus on the task at hand.  And the mind set that results will come.  Your mind is your most powerful tool.  Lets use it to it's full potential (at least while we're training arms). In Routine One on the last set of each exercise you may cheat by using alittle body english to get the weight up.  This isn't to make the exercise easier but more difficult.  So you can overload the muscle more fully.  On Routine Two absolute strict form is critical this is where the (Peak Contraction Principle)- holding the weight through maximum contraction for a few seconds at the completion of a movement.  This build a tremendous amount of lactic acid within the muscle (burning feeling) 

Routine One- Biceps & Triceps (Supersetted) Perform one or two very light warm up sets prior to work sets to prevent injury. No rest between supersets.  Three minutes between exercises.

1-Standing Dumbbell Curls 3+10,8,6
1-Close Grip Bench Press 3+10,8,6
2-Incline Dumbbell Curls 3+8
2-Triceps Pressdowns 3+12,10,8
3-Machine Preacher curls 2+8
3-Rope Pressdows (turn hands out and squeeze at bottom) 2+8

Routine Two-Biceps & Triceps  (Supersets) (to be done 3 or 4 days after 1st routine) No rest between supersets.  One minute between exercises.

1-Dumbbell Preacher Curls 3+20
1-Dumbbell Kickbacks 3+20
2-Machine Preacher Curls 2+20
2-Triceps Pressdowns 2+20
3-Seated Hammer Curls 2+15
3-Overhead Dumbell Extension 2+12
4-Dumbbell Concentration Curls (Standing bent over rest opposing arm on knee) 2+20
4-Single Arm Pressdowns 2+20

 Try this routine for 6-8 weeks and see what type of gains in size you achieve in your arms.  Remember to take in fast digesting protein (Whey Protein) is best after training along with some simple sugars to spike insulin.  This creates an Anabolic State within the body to set the table for muscle growth.

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